social skills guide book
the overrall process of improving your social skills
Figuring out which skills and traits to work on and which to leave alone
As long as they bring enough positives to the table, they can still get by
People change throughout their lives. It’s important to be true to yourself, but not to the point where you become locked in place and dismiss anything new with “No, that’s not who I am.”
- Your ability to think on your feet
- Your ability to multitask.
- Your proficiency in a variety of concrete subskills like listening, asserting yourself, or phrasing an invitation.
- Your knowledge of various social situations and how to navigate them.
- Your knowledge of the unwritten social guidelines of your particular culture, subculture, or group of friends, and how to adjust the general communication-skills rules to fit them.
- Constructive mind-sets toward socializing.
- Your personal social style.
how to
- exciese spend more time . club organaze venue "a pub or a pool hall 酒吧 游泳馆"
- practice in a deliberate, structured way ,
- take a class to learn
Indirectly improving your social success
addressing some common challenges
- Tackling the Main Mental Barriers to Socializing 克服社交的主要心理障碍 Shyness Anxiety insecuritites
- Developing your Conversations Skills
- forming and Growing Friendships